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Terms & Conditions

Sunnah Life Academy (SLA) Enrolment Terms & Conditions
Once the Enrolment Form is signed and submitted, a commitment is made to the term and any withdrawals thereafter need 4 teaching week's notice (see full withdrawal details below). All fees are to be paid weekly or fortnightly via Direct Debit (i.e. no upfront payments) alongwith a 2 week deposit. Deposits remain in your SLA account as credit and are non-refundable. If and once the term begins and payment details for Direct Debit have not been confirmed, your child's position at the academy is at risk. Admin will notify parents and if payments are still undetermined, the child's enrolment will be at risk and their position will be at the discretion of the academy. Fees are non-refundable or transferable.

Sunnah Life Academy (SLA) does not operate during Eid and will at times take an extra day off to take into consideration the valid differences of opinion regarding moon sighting. Fees and debits scheduled continue as normal for the weeks that coincide with Eid. 

SLA operates as normal and is open during Public Holidays such as Anzac Day, Easter etc. 

SLA does not offer refunds, credit or reimbursements for students who are absent due to sickness, holiday leave, early withdrawals, cancellations of enrolment or otherwise. This includes any cash payments or contributions made. Debits cannot be paused or skipped due to absence, sickness, holiday leave, immediate withdrawals, COVID lockdowns or otherwise.



SLA fee structure and prices are reviewed each term and are subject to change. Any changes that occur to fees will be made known to parents via SMS, 4 weeks in advance 


If a payment fails, our host provider, Pay Advantage will charge a dishonour fee and a re-debit will occur in three business days. If three or more payments fail, parents will be notified by admin and reserve the right to suspend the child's enrolment until rectified. If a further two payment failures occur, their child's enrolment will be at the discretion of the academy. Outstanding payments longer than 4 weeks may be referred to a third party in which you will be notified of prior. If this occurs, you will bear all additional fees incurred from the third party as a result.

At SLA, we strive to uphold the values of the Quran and Sunnah as much as possible, therefore, matters that jeopardise these core values or others, are at risk of suspension and or cancellation of enrolment without notice. ​These decisions are at the discretion of SLA. If cancellation occurs, parents lose their 2-week deposit along with the fees paid
 within the week of cancellation. This serves as compensation for your reserved spot in order to allow adequate time to fill your child's position. 
If there are any outstanding fees, these must be finalised within 7 days of cancellation, otherwise a debt collection agency will be notified to follow up. In the case of suspension, direct debits continue as the student's enrolment is still active. 

Withdrawals from the academy requires 4 weeks’ notice in the form of writing to 
Please take note of the following:

- These weeks must be active and teaching weeks i.e. within the teaching terms at SLA.

- Debits continue during the 4-week period. This means, if you give notice to withdraw during the holidays or break period, the 4 weeks' notice does not begin until the new term begins.

- At the conclusion of the 4-week period, you may withdraw with no extra charges incurred or may choose to remain enrolled in the academy. If you change your mind at the conclusion of the 4-week period and wish to remain enrolled, the 2 week deposit will need to be re-paid. 

- Once the 4-week period has elapsed, contact us if you wish to re-enrol.

- If a child is not settling we may ask you to withdraw them for their own wellbeing and safety. 


To secure your position for the beginning of each academic year, all parents are required to fill in the required online form by its due date, otherwise we cannot guarantee a position as some students may remain in the same stage:

Payment packages may be upgraded or downgraded at any time. A $100.00 fee applies for downgrades along with 4 (active/teaching) weeks’ notice in writing to Please note in regards to downgrades, your current debits continue until the new debit fee takes effect.

SLA provides courses, workshops, educational programs home-schooling support and is not a school, hence, it is the parent’s responsibility to register their child(ren) (of legal age) for home-schooling and accept to take on the responsibilities to accomplish the requirements and objectives set out by NESA and the Department of Education, whether that be completing Outcomes, compiling Portfolios or otherwise. All students enrolled in SLA must be registered home schoolers.


We promise to provide home school support and a deliverance of the programs on offer, but we cannot guarantee results or a provide a complete home school service. Furthermore, there are a variety of factors that determine a child’s level of education, namely;
   ⁃    Oral and written experiences children have at home. 
   ⁃    Educational history.
   ⁃    Previous learning difficulties etc. 

At SLA, we have processes in place to support children of varying levels but do not take responsibility for your child’s overall development and level of education. Parents need to ensure they are also playing an active role in their child's learning.

Consent is given for SLA to use any photos and/or videos of children for promotional material or otherwise. Parents who do not wish to give consent must notify SLA via

1) The parents/guardians acknowledge and understand that during the course of participation by the child/children in the services, education and activities provided by Sunnah Life Academy (SLA) may carry with them risks of injuries and or death as a result of, but not limited to, negligence on part of the entity being released from liability below. 2) Parents/guardians declare that the child/children participating in the services, education and activities are mentally and physically fit, prepared to participate, and have not been advised to not participate in the activities due to any pre-existing or possible health conditions. 3) Parents/guardians accept that the Waiver and Release of Liability Form shall be used by SLA in case of any claim made against Sunnah Life Academy. P
arents/guardians hereby consent to accept full responsibility and bear costs in full, of damages caused by their child(ren) to the SLA property and or resources/equipment child whether intentionally or unintentionally. 4) In consideration of parents'/guardians' acceptance and disclosure, they hereby: 4a) Waive, release and discharge from any and all liability, including but not limited to, liability arising out of negligence or fault of the entity and/or persons released, for the child’s death, personal injury, disability, property damage, property theft or instances that may occur to the child travelling to and/or from SLA. 4b) In effect, parents/guardians indemnify SLA and/or its director(s), officer(s), employee(s), representative(s), activity holder(s), sponsor(s) and volunteer(s) from any liability and I accept that upon signing this form parents/guardians are barred to initiate legal action for any claim or reasons mentioned already. 5) Parents/guardians acknowledge that persons mentioned in clause 4(b) are not responsible and/or liable for any errors, acts, omissions or failure to act in conducting an activity on their behalf. 6) Parents/guardians acknowledge that the activities may involve in activities testing the child/children’s physical and mental limits and carries with it the relevant risks. The risks include but are not limited to, those as a result of facilities, terrain, weather conditions, health condition of the child/children. 7) Parents/guardians hereby consent on behalf of their child/children to receive medical treatment which may be available at the time of the injury/accident and/or illness during the activities. 8) The Waiver and Release Liability form shall be construed broadly to provide a waiver and release to the full extent as possible under the applicable legislation and/or the law. In the unlikely event of an ambulance call-out, the ambulance fee will be at the expense of the child(ren)'s parents/guardians. 

Sunnah Life Academy and its director(s), employee(s) and representative(s) reserve the right to make decisions based on unforeseen circumstances, outcomes or otherwise. 

These Terms and Conditions are subject to change.

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