In this lesson, we will be experimenting with milk. We will watch what happens when the fat molecules from the milk mix with dish detergent.
- A fun attitude 🤗 as always
- Full cream milk (if you have an allergy, almond milk is fine)
- food colouring
- a plate
- dish detergent
- cotton tips
- 1 sheet of watercolour paper and if you don't have that's ok you do not need to do that part of the experiment.
Faith focus: Prophet Muhammad (saw) loved to drink milk.
Early Stage 1: VAES1.1 Makes simple pictures and other kinds of artworks about things and experiences.
Stage 1: VAS.1.2 Uses the forms to make artworks according to varying requirements
Stage 2: VAS.2.1 represents the qualities of experiences and things that are interesting.
Stage 3:
VAS3.1 Investigates subject matter in an attempt to represent likenesses of things in the world